Antonio Pekeljevic

Antonio Pekeljevic


Full-Stack Software Engineer who is always willing to help others reach their programming goals.

Things I like:

  • Programming (obviously)
  • Nature
  • Open Source
  • Stoicism
馃懆鈥嶐煉籟FirstDevRole #4] Are You Good Enough for a First Developer Job?
馃Ы Clean Way to Listen to Events from Children Components in Angular
馃懆鈥嶐煉籟FirstDevRole #3] How to Write an Effective CV/Resume for a Programmer Role if You Have No Work Experience
馃懆鈥嶐煉籟FirstDevRole #2] Which Programming Language or Framework to Choose as Your First?
馃懆鈥嶐煉籟FirstDevRole #1] What are the Real Requirements for Becoming a Programmer?
馃敟 10 Stoicism Quotes For Programmers [MINDSET]